18 September 2005

Ika Fishing

Today a couple of Hania's friends invited me to go squid fishing. I couldn't have been happier. See, years and years ago back in Federal Way (my hometown near Seattle), I used to be the only white kid that would drive down to Redondo pier late at night to learn the skilled art of squid-jigging. My many Korean-American mentors eventually became impressed as I could hold my own, and now it seems those lessons still pay off. This evening Nami, Takami, and I went to Shuki, the town just north of us, and fished for squid ("ika" in Japanese) from the big concrete breakwater at the mouth of the harbor. We gave up fishing around 10 o'clock, and returned home with three large squid. Hania was still awake when we got back, so we cleaned the squid and made calamari and sashimi. I'm hoping we do this again soon.