13 September 2005

The Road to Mikame

I just arrived in Mikame after 14 hours on the plane and another six on the trains here in Japan. It was pretty miserable, being as I haven't slept for two days, but it was all worthwhile getting to spend four hours on Japan's fastest train: the Nozomi. This is a picture of the train that I took from Tokyo to Okayama, where I transfered to Matsuyama, and from there finally took the train to Yawatahama, the closest train station to Mikame. From Yawatahama, Hania and a couple of her friends took me on a 20 minute drive back to Mikame, where I was given a short, nighttime tour of the town. Mikame looks amazing, but a bit small. Hania said there are only 8,000 people living here, and only 800 in the village where her house is (Nigyu). I think it's going to be a good three months.